My first Magazine Issue 11: If/만약 | Page 11


Suzy Park
I ’ m looking for a world where there are no friends ,
No one to turn to , no one to turn away from . In this giant façade of swirls and twirls , Of back-stabbings and foot-steppings ,
I lost my mask , And now it seems I cannot attend the ball .
I ’ m searching for a world where none of them exists , The fishes that bite and grasp readily at the plump red worm ,
That smile at the sharks and crunches the shells , What a funny little town , I used to think , Even the animals hide behind the shields .
They mock at the crowd that does not wear a mask , Don ’ t they know even a clown is laughing at them ?
I ’ m trying to find my castle , where there are no friends , Where the light-winged dryad of the trees sings of summer
In full-throated ease .