My first Magazine Gossip: Scandals and Relationships of Authors | Page 14
Charles Dicken is not an
achievement, because this
anonymous name today
issue’s main topic is about the
because many of the movies scandal, so let me just spill up
we have watched today were the tea of what Dickens
inspired by his works
scandals is all about and did I
especially A Christmas Carol mentioned that there even a
which available both in
book called “The Great Charles
animation and live-action
Dickens Scandal” written by
movies. A lot of his works
Michael Slater? So, I guess this
was written to criticize the author sure have a lot of
social inequality because as scandals revolving around him
young Dickens, he was
aye? Scandals of course seen
forced to work at Warren's as a bad word for a renowned
blacking factory instead of figure like Dickens so, there
getting the education like
was a lot of misconceptions
what other kids supposed to going around his life. The first
have. These events
scandals involving Dickens is
somehow “boost” Dickens about WHO caused the
into being one of the most separation between Charles
renowned writers today
Dickens and Catherine
because he got inspiration to Dickens. The story of their
write due to how lonely and separation was misdirected to
despair he was as a kid and another person who is his
as a teenager. Enough
wife’s younger sister or more
about his personal
accurate, Dicken’s own