My first Magazine Gossip: Scandals and Relationships of Authors | Page 11
That question is
answered with a no
as now Shelley is
reported to have
eloped yet again but
this time with Mary,
daughter of Godwin
himself. This event
Shelley is said to be
has caused Shelley’s
working on a few
close relationship
publications that is
with Godwin to be
probably out to
estranged. When
astound the world.
asked, Shelley
merely answers that Hate him or love him
as a person, Percy
he is ‘following the
Bysshe Shelley is one
principles of free
love’ and that he had influential poet and it
looks like it won’t
hoped Godwin would
have supported him
in his love life.
Godwin is reportedly
bitter and angry at
Shelley and heaven
Reiman, D. H.
forbid they cross
(2017). Encyclopædia Britannica.
paths because
Godwin looked like he
was out for blood,
specifically Shelley’s.