“Children are the greatest
gift to humanity and hold the
future of our country in their
little hands. It’s horrifying that
one out of every seven children
around the world today is a
child labour.
Children are always considered
next to the pious versions of the
Almighty who always strive to
inculcate happiness, joy,
innocence and hope”
Small Hands Can Handle A Pen Better
hild labour takes place
when children are forced
to work at an age when
they are expected to study and
enjoy their phase of innocence. It
implies lost or deprived childhood
that leads to exploitation of
children in various forms: mental,
physical, social, sexual and so on.
children imply a hope, a hope to
strengthen not only the economy
of the country but also to provide
the country with skilled human
resources. It is the moral duty
of every citizen of the country
to ensure that the childhood
of our children is protected.
India is sadly the home to the organizations and law-makers
largest number of child labourers have an obligation to put
in the world. The 2011 national an end to the
evil practice
census of India found the total of child labour in India.
number of child labourers, aged
5–15, to be at 4.35 million. Child A large number of children
labour problem is not unique to in India are quite strangers to
India, worldwide about 217 million the joys and innocence of the
children work, many full-time. formative years of their lives.
persists due to the inefficiency
of law, administrative system
on the part of employers.
Children are employed illegally in
various industries. But agriculture
is the largest sector where children
work at early ages to contribute
to their family income. They are
forced to work at young ages
due to factors such as poverty,
unemployment, a large family
size, and lack of proper education.
Backgrounder to child labour:
In British India, a large number
of children were forced into
labour due to the increasing
need of cheap labour to produce
Instead of enjoying their early a large number of goods.
The future of a nation is steps on their life’s journey,
determined by the way it treats its they are forced to work under The
children and its women, after all, conditions of slavery. Child labour recruiting children as they