My first Magazine Feminizine | Page 50

50 Jing Zhou Engineer of Shanghai Airport Authority N owadays, Feminism is burgeoning in our society and women have been awakened by the idea of that. Women in modern society have been liberated, but the path is still long. The traditional concepts and deeply rooted culture attached to women themselves still cannot be immediately converted. The path of women’s liberation has lasted hundreds and thousands of years. From high status in matriarchal society to no status in Feudal society, there has never been an era like today that enabled women to be themselves. Many prominent women such as Korean President Park Geun- Hye, US former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel all have achieved a lot of accomplishments in their fields. In Shanghai and many other international cities, women are not the symbol of weakness anymore, and they have more access to similar educational and employment opportunities. Of course, women are still discriminated against. Women and men have physical differences instinctively. In traditional concepts, women are mostly dependent on men. They don’t have to work hard to make a living as their responsibilities are serving husbands and taking care of children. If a successful woman doesn’t have a family, she is seen as a failure in others’ views; If a woman doesn’t have children, then she is condemned by her family members or relatives. Women who have the same ability as men can sometimes only be secretaries or assistants, while men always have more decisive positions. The few outstanding women who prove their abilities with work are criticized as “disobedient” or “overpowering.” Being influenced by these ideas, women thus lose their identities and willingness to explore their capacity. I am an independent woman, but I am not willing to define myself with the word “Feminist” or “Able woman.” For me, the word “Feminism” can easily cause struggles and aggression. What I admire more within that concept is the awakening of women. Even though people see me as a powerful woman, I prefer accepting the idea of “Autonomous woman.” I see feminism as how women praise themselves instead of being accessories of families. They are the ones who are self-motivated, independent and enjoy their self-values and beauty. Overall, I think anything is possible for women, and nothing can constrain our development.