My first Magazine Cultural recipes | Page 5

� �Let's open the pulp with the roller like the picture. Pizza Margherita � �I divide it into eight pieces in triangular shape. � �Let's put 1 dessert spoon apple mint on the broad part of the dough. � �Then rolled in rolls and stacked with oily paper. � �Cook our apple cookies in a preheated 180 ° oven until lightly browned. � �Sprinkle powdered sugar over our cold cookies. Greta Hristova-Bulgaria Топ 10 Най-популярните български ястия Khatuna Khachapuridze YOUTU.BE Georgia Necla Öztürk-TURKEY Khachapuri_from_Georgia.mp4 0:59 video PADLET DRIVE Maria Grazia Delfino Italy