Those who are gritty can not be easily
discouraged, and are typically good at putting off
instant gratification in the pursuit of longer-term
goals. Those who are gritty understand that not
only is failure an option, it may be a necessary
step in the progress to their long-term goal. Grit is
simply the perseverance, courage and drive that
supports endeavors like long-term goals. A
motivation towards long-term goals that does not
easily burn out. You can definitely still succeed
even if you do not measure high on the gritty-
scale. A gritty person may simply be more
predisposed for focus on a long-term goal, but
that does not mean that grit is the only
determining factor of success. That being said,
grit still plays a very important role in achieving
success because it supports talent and helps
keep it afloat. Talent without some form of grit
rarely succeeds, thus maintaining some form of
grit it vital for long running goals. To be more
gritty, you need to practice, have purpose and
interest in projects which you are conducting.
Being gritty will not only help you with long-term
goals, but it will also aid you in your journey of
creativity. Since gritty means being on task with
things, this will help you focus on your thought
process as well as idea formation.
While grit can be summed up as
perseverance and passion, there are
many other components. Grit is simply a
combination of traits that helps people
to be more focused and driven towards
their goals. Typically, those who are
highly conscientious with strong
cautiousness, self-efficacy, orderliness,
dutifulness, are more achievement
striving and self-disciplined are also
much more likely to have a high grit
score.Basically, these traits support
resilience and drive, which are necessary
for obtaining long term goals. One’s
optimism must also be taken into
consideration while measuring grit.Yes,
conscientiousness is important, but it is
also very important to have courage and
a highly effective management of failure.
In order to exercise your creative
thinking, you need to first be able to
piece together and fully organise your
project. To do this, you need to be fully
aware of the time that this will most
likely take and you need to develop the
patience to wait for it. To be more
gritty, you need to have an optimistic
view on your project. You need to
assure yourself that everything will run
smoothly. Stop worrying and try to
stick with the idea which most
resonates with you. Be yourself and
don't copy the others around you.
Stick with your own ideas because if
you wander off and do what others
would do, you might feel lost and
hopeless as you would end up
comparing yourselves to others.