Creativit !
Surround yourself with inspiration
To be creative you need to have ambition
and this ambition is often created from a
spark of inspiration. This inspiration would
then soon go off to be something which you
want to pursue and you will end up creating
an end goal. Stimulating environments will
provoke and facilitate the thought process.
Make sure that you not only surround
yourself with inspiring things, but also
human beings. Most of the time your friends
and close relatives are the ones which
motivate you to keep creating so make sure
to ll your surroundings with positive
people. Try creating a comfortable of ce
space which helps you feel energized and
Surround yourself with BLUE
In another study, researchers found that
boredom gives people time to daydream,
which then leads to greater creativity.
Boredom encourages creative thinking
because it sends a signal that the current
situation or environment is lacking, and
looking for new ideas and inspiration
helps overcome that.
Yes that's right, different colours have the
varying effects on moods, emotions, and as
well as behaviors. A 2009 study suggests
that the colour blue tends to make people
think more creatively. You may be
wondering why? According to researchers,
the colour blue aids in the encouragement
of helping people think outside the box.
Since the colour blue surrounds us
everywhere in nature and is associated with
peace and tranquility, the colour blue tends
to make people feel safe to explore to be
more creative. Ask someone what their
favourite colour is and chances are, it’s blue.
The next time you are trying to nd
inspiration, maybe try using the colour blue
to see if it might trigger new ideas.