c o n f l i c t
Katherine Johnson
external man vs society
Katherine, being the only African-American and the only female mathematician in NASA's main research facility at a time when racial segregation was just about to be abolished, experienced self-degrading discrimination from her coworkers albeit subtle. Her extraordinary mathermatical ability was not given much credit because they paid more attention to the denominator she did not share with them. Additionally, the lack of colored bathrooms in NASA's main research facility greatly hindered Katherine from performing her duties at her best rate. The attitude of the society towards her people at that time presents a conflict of ideology.
Levi Jackson
external man vs. man
Mary, after being inspired by Mr. Zielenski to apply as one of NASA's engineers, brought up the matter to her husband, Levi, over barbecue one Sunday. Upon hearing this, Levi was appalled about Mary's interest on such an ambitious goal. This was not because he did not have faith in her abilities but rather, he feared for how she would be treated by her would-be coworkers who happen to be white men. Levi expressed his disagreement to Mary's goal and this resulted to a conflict of interest between them
Paul Stafford
EXTERNAL man vs man
Paul became one of Katherine's coworkers when she was reassigned. He was the one leading the computing for trajectories and landing plans. In fact, he was the one who went with Mr. Harrison to exclusive debriefings. Due to this, he was entitled to classified information he deemed was above Katherine's paygrade. He refused to allow her to attend debriefings because she was "unqualified" but it was evident that he only acted so because he did not view her to be on the same level as he. He added to the several boulders Katherine had to shove through just to be able to attend to her job and make good use of her intellect to contribute to her country's ambitions.
Upon meeting Jim Johnson, Katherine was alarmed by the suggestions of her friends to befriend (implying more than friendship) him. She saw herself to be a career woman who was doing her best to sustain her family on her own. When he asked about her occupation, she misunderstood his surprise for disbelief. She then deemed him unnecessary for her to have in her life. However, as Jim persevered and continued to apologize to her and exert efforts in helping out her family, Katherine was torn between sticking by her prejudice of him and acknowledging the truth that she may have the same feelings for him.
Observing how Katherine solved mathematical errors he himself had committed and witnessing her figure out computation problems he himself could not crack must have threatened Paul. He most probably doubted his own abilities and standing, seeing an African-American, let alone a woman, get ahead of him right after being reassigned to their department. It was also possible that he was conflicted about whether to acknowledge and applaud her progress or invalidate it.
Levi was well acquainted with Mary's phenomenal intellect especially in the science of engineering. He had felt torn between expressing his faith and support to his wife and assuring that she would not be exposed to unnecessary bigoted treatment.
Mary Jackson
external man vs. society
Mary Jackson is brilliant but she finds herself disappointed when landing a job at Langley doesn’t shield her from discrimination from her white coworkers . Mary faces racism, segregation, and prejudice while establishing a career for herself at NASA. Similar humiliating treatments that have tormented blacks at NASA for quite a long time, like colored washrooms, also torment Mary. Technology has evolved but rules surrounding race have not.
Mary declines to apply for an engineering program since she realizes that as an African-American lady, the opportunity isn't genuinely accessible to her. She rants that society will never permit an African-American lady go to classes at an all-white school. Her boss, Zielinski, became a motivating voice for her. He urges her to apply for the engineering program, and advises her that he, as well, is a underdog.
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