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Hidden Figures Movie Review: Quotes

Al Harrison

“In my head,

we’re already there”

Al Harrison said this motivating quote when citing to NASA sending a man to the moon. Al had a visionto see men in space. In any case, his vision was more than that. He previously had conviction that NASA had a man on the moon. A vision is a mental image of the outcome you want to accomplish - an image so clear and solid it will help make that outcome real. A vision is certainly not an ambiguous wish or dream or expectation. It's an image of the great consequences of real efforts. A powerful vision pulls in thoughts, individuals and different assets. It motivates people to hold on and to put a strong effort. One must have a firm conviction that his vision can be reality. That is the thing that Al Harrison did.

He truly saw a man on the moon.

Paul Stafford

“Speculation on our

side of the equation

can be dangerous”

Paul Stafford was the head engineer at the Space Task Group at NASA. As he and his group took a shot at getting an American into space, he understood how unsafe speculation could be to the security of the man put into space. Risk taking is an undeniably basic component of leadership and fundamental for a leader’s effectiveness. Risk taking can be characterized as: "Attempted an undertaking in which there is an absence of assurance or a fear of failure." In leadership, speculation may not be fatal to you or those you’re leading, yet speculation can be damaging to your group. Ensure you have the correct numbers and activity steps in place.

Levi Jackson

“Civil Rights Ain’t Always Civil”

A disagreement follows between

Mary Jackson and her husband about

whether she should hold on in

attempting to end up an engineer.

Her husband suggests that the

more noticeable acts of civil right activities (e.g protests ) is the more effective decision in drawing attention for inequality than the course Mary is pursuing. Throughout

the film, we see these ladies

push the limits gradually.

Their intellect and skills

provide a platform

from which to speak and fight.

Stepping up to address their

injustice can be effective in

changing the view of others

and winning equal rights.

Mary Jackson

“Every time we have a chance

to get ahead they move the finish line.”

The main character faces challenges because of their race. When Johnson first walks into her new workspace, one of the men gives her a garbage can. Personnel supervisor Mrs. Mitchell thinks Vaughan is excessively forceful in her requests for a supervisor's position and Jackson, in spite of her degree, is told she can possibly turn into a NASA qualified engineer if she goes to a segregated school. Racism creates a society where people don't trust and respect each other. It is a hindrance to their success thus they need to persevere more than the whites. Racism is a way to stop the advancement of people just because their “black”