4.a.1. Demonstrate an understanding of the purposes of assessment as they relate to ELLs and use results appropriately.
4.a.2 Knowledgeable about and able to use a variety of assessment procedures for ELLs.
4.a.3. Demonstrate an understanding of key indicators of good assessment instruments.
4.a.4. Demonstrate understanding of the advantages and limitations of assessments, including accommodations for ELLs.
4.a.5. Distinguish among ELLs’ language differences, giftedness, and special education needs.
Standard 4.b. Language Proficiency Assessment
Candidates know and can use a variety of standards-based language proficiency instruments to show language growth and to inform their instruction. They demonstrate understanding of their uses for identification, placement, and reclassification of ELLs.
4.b.1. Understand and implement national and state requirements for identification, reclassification, and exit of ELLs from language support programs.
4.b.2. Understand the appropriate use of norm-referenced assessments with ELLs.
4.b.3. Assess ELLs’ language skills and communicative competence using multiple sources of information.
Standard 4.c. Classroom-Based Assessment for ESL
Candidates know and can use a variety of performance-based assessment tools and techniques to in form instruction for in the classroom.
4.c.1. Use performance-based assessment tools and tasks that measure ELLs’ progress.
4.c.2. Understand and use criterion-referenced assessments appropriately with ELLs.
4.c.3. Use various instruments and techniques to assess content-area learning (e.g., math, science, social studies) for ELLs at varying levels of language and literacy development.
4.c.4. Prepare ELLs to use self-and peer-assessment techniques when appropriate.
4.c.5. Use a variety of rubrics to assess ELLs’ language development in classroom settings.
Standard 5.a. ESL Research and History
Candidates demonstrate knowledge of history, research, educational public policy, and current practice in the field of ESL teaching and apply this knowledge to inform teaching and learning.
5.a.1. Demonstrate knowledge of language teaching methods in their historical contexts.
5.a.2. Demonstrate knowledge of the evolution of laws and policy in the ESL profession.
5.a.3. Demonstrate ability to read and conduct classroom research
Standard 5.b. Professional Development, Partnerships, and Advocacy
Candidates take advantage of professional growth opportunities and demonstrate the ability to
build partnerships with colleagues and students’ families, serve as community resources, and
advocate for ELLs.
5.b.1. Participate in professional growth opportunities.
5.b.2 Establish professional goals