My CMS May 15, 2014 | Page 4

Standard 3.b. Implementing and Managing Standards-Based ESL and Content Instruction

Candidates know, manage, and implement a variety of standards-based teaching strategies and techniques for developing and integrating English listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Candidates support ELLs’ access to the core curriculum by teaching language through academic content.

3.b.2. Incorporate activities, tasks, and assignments that develop authentic uses of language as students learn academic vocabulary and content-area material.

3.b.3. Provide activities and materials that integrate listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

3.b.4. Develop students’ listening skills for a variety of academic and social purposes.

3.b.5. Develop students’ speaking skills for a variety of academic and social purposes.

3.b.6. Provide standards-based instruction that builds on students’ oral English to support learning to read and write.

3.b.7. Provide standards-based reading instruction adapted to ELLs.

3.b.8. Provide standards-based writing instruction adapted to ELLs. Develop students’ writing through a range of activities, from sentence formation to expository writing.

Standard 3.c. Using Resources and Technology Effectively in ESL and Content Instruction

Candidates are familiar with a wide range of standards-based materials, resources, and technologies, and choose, adapt, and use them in effective ESL and content teaching.

3.c.1. Select, adapt, and use culturally responsive, age-appropriate, and linguistically accessible materials.

3.c.2. Select materials and other resources that are appropriate to students’ developing language and content-area abilities, including appropriate use of L1.

3.c.3. Employ a variety of materials for language learning, including books, visual aids, props, and realia.

3.c.4. Use technological resources (e.g.,Web, software,computers, and related devices) to enhance language and content-area instruction for ELLs.

Standard 4.a. Issues of Assessment for English Language Learners

Candidates demonstrate understanding of various assessment issues as they affect ELLs, such

as accountability, bias, special education testing, language proficiency, and accommodations in formal testing situations.