My Backyard Issue 1 | Page 9

Kia Kaha , Kia Toa
Be strong , be a warrior .
My Backyard From the Chapters
Junior Activists Partners
Getting involved Issue 1 l My Backyard

United Kingdom

Anti-captivity death sticks in Blue Tip , California . Each cross represents the death of a whale or dolphin in captivity .
We protested for dugongs and sea turtles , then outside the Namibian Embassy as we do each year and will continue to do so every year that the seals are slaughtered . Our numbers outside the Embassy more than doubled this year which was great to see .
We also protested outside the Canadian embassy against their seal hunt , and outside both the American and Russian Embassies against the potential import into the US of 18 wild caught Beluga whales destined for the Georgia Aquarium and other marine entertainment theme parks .
Dolphin Day
The first of two Japan Dolphin Day protests against the dolphin drives in Taiji was at the start of the season in August and we were lucky enough to help organise this one alongside activists from many different groups . Shows what can be achieved by working together .
In all , 96 protests happened around the world on the same day !
The song is helping us take the anti captivity message to a younger audience . http :// youtu . be / kNtNPBnwEjs
Our ‘ anti captivity death sticks ’, graphically illustrating all the cetaceans that have died in captivity , have also proved to be a valuable tool in our campaigning .
All 5,500 sticks were taken to Camber Sands beach to be photographed , and to Whalefest in Brighton in October where they drew in large numbers of people and were talked about all weekend - even the legendary Ingrid Visser mentioned them in her presentation !
Save the Whales Reloaded We joined the exciting new ‘ Save the Whales Reloaded ’ campaign launched at Whalefest , met some amazing people , saw old friends and had brilliant feedback from members of the public . Brighton rocks !
Japan Dolphin Day - Lucy Byrne with megaphone
As well as all of that , we managed to get out and talk to loads of young people , send out 10,000 anti-captivity posters to UK schools , and collect lots of visual petitions for Peggy Oki ’ s Let ’ s Face It campaign to protect the New Zealand Maui ’ s dolphins and more for the Free the Atlanta 11 visual petition against the Beluga import .
The Team 2012 has been a great year for us . The core team of Lucy Byrne , Joyce Cheung , Rob Barrett , Dan Green , Rob McCafferty ,
Bev Bailey and Paul Ransley have all worked really hard , so thank you Earthrace UK peeps and all who have supported us in 2012 - we look forward to a truly awesome 2013 .
Namibia Protest May 2012
2012 saw the release of ‘ The Dolphin Song ’ by Earthrace UK Chapter Director Lucy Byrne ’ s 4 year old daughter Leela B in collaboration with ‘ We am Legend ’.
Contact Earthrace UK : lucy @ earthrace . net
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