Kia Kaha , Kia Toa
Be strong , be a warrior .
My Backyard From the Chapters
Junior Activists Partners
Getting involved Issue 1 l My Backyard
United States
Earthrace screened an exclusive preview in LA of the pilot for the TV series that will follow Pete and crew on future missions . IIt created a huge impact on everyone who saw it . We can ’ t tell you much more here , but let ’ s just say , we should ‘ seal ’ the deal soon !
Protest at Sea World San Diego
February saw the first of the bi-monthly protests that are always supported by Earthrace outside Sea World San Diego . Woe betide anyone trying to ignore our crew !
Namibia Protest , San Diego Earthrace USA supported our global call to action against the Namibian seal slaughter with a protest at La Jolla beach , an area that has had its own fair share of seal issues too so it was more than appropriate !
Combined efforts at the Fundraiser for Save the Malibu Lagoon
USA co-director , Gina Bryant , spoke at a fundraiser for Save Malibu Lagoon . A half-dozen Earthrace volunteers were central to making the event a monumental success .
Malibu celebrities such as Anthony Kiedes of the Red Hot Chilli Peppers ( left , with Gina Bryant ) co-sponsored , and the band signed a guitar they donated for the silent auction . Sadly , despite all this , the bulldozing of the Lagoon began in May 2012 .
Maui ’ s dolphin ‘ Let ’ s Face It ’ visual petition
Beginning in March and still going , ECO Juniors ’ director , Ally Banks , started collecting visual petitions to add to Peggy Oki ’ s Let ’ s Face It collection ( now over 5,500 strong ).
Monster shame on Martha ’ s Vineyard ! In July , a group of Earthrace volunteers from
the US and Europe went to protest against the annual Oak Bluffs Monster Shark Tournament - the same team that went to the Faroe Islands in 2011 . They created quite a stir as they distributed shark conservation information to the sport-fishing community . A brave mission by Sandi Sullivan , Maare Liiv and Donald U . Newe .
Eco goes to Hollywood In November , Pete joined L . A . and San Diego members and some other familiar faces on Hollywood ’ s Walk of Fame to protest the dolphin slaughters of Taiji , Japan .
A Conflicted Relationship
Ally Banks represented Earthrace at the 13th Annual American Cetacean Society Conference in San Diego , where there were was an interesting presentation on Whales and Humans : A Conflicted Relationship . You can say that again !
Orca Nakai hurt at Seaworld
In September , horrific injuries to captive orca , Nakai , were seen for the first time thanks to pictures taken by orca expert , Dr Ingrid Visser . It didn ’ t take long for protestors , including our Earthrace crew , to get back out there and tell Sea World they weren ’ t happy .
Contact Earthrace USA : gina @ earthrace . net
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