My Backyard Issue 1 | Page 6

Kia Kaha , Kia Toa
Be strong , be a warrior .
My Backyard From the Chapters Junior Activists
Partners Getting involved
Issue 1 l My Backyard

Faroe Islands

The year started out slowly as is usual north of 60 degrees latitude . As winter gradually loosened its grip on our weather beaten islands , activity began to manifest itself again after hibernation .
Realizing how much time needs to be spent raising awareness and educating “ fellow ” activists about delicate matters about the Grind and Faroese island culture can lead even the most hardened astray .
Then again , we are tireless Vikings - and summer was approaching fast , a time when little and no sleep is needed , bathed in endless sunlight and bright nights . Bring it on !
Seminar connects activists In June last year , the Nordic Councils Bio Ethics Committee hosted a two day seminar about Marine Mammal matters in the North Atlantic . The topic was how to make environmentalism , whaling and whale watching co-exist .
The Earthrace Faroe Islands team attended and made a lot of new connections . Among them was Andy Ottaway from Campaign Whale and we have since started working on a joint project – all will be revealed later this year .
New documentation for pilot whale tracking around the Faroe Islands
Speaking up on TV Faroes Chapter Director , Runi Nielsen , was in a live debate on prime time Faroese TV representing Earthrace on the daily national news . Facing him was long time whaling enthusiast Hans Jacob Hermansen and a somewhat biased TVhost . Needless to say , Rúni gave them hell and came out on top .
Travelling the islands together
In the wake of these events , the team continued to travel around the Islands with long-time fellow environmentalists , Leah A . Lemieux and Hans Peter Roth and others – much of this was done in the evenings as with all our volunteers , day time jobs continue – so there was little sleep !
Dolphin Advocate Ric O ’ Barry sharing his knowledge In July , following
in Pete Bethune ’ s footsteps , renowned dolphin advocate , Ric O ’ Barry , visited the Faroes as a guest at Vitan ( Knowledge ) 2012 , when he gave a lecture about marine mammals , mercury poisoning and related matters .
Keeping a grip on the grinds
Asurvey was organised by WSPA and Planet Whale ( Faroe Islands Whale Watch ) to document marine wildlife in the Faroe Islands during August and September 2012 . Its main aim was to understand the distribution of cetaceans ( whales , dolphins and porpoises ) around the islands using previously tagged animals . Using information from tags is good news as tagged animals are not allowed to be hunted . .
Contact Earthrace Faroe Islands : runi @ earthrace . net
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