Economic Performance
Introduction and Commitment Statement
The Airports Authority generates significant economic activity for the region as measured by revenue , jobs , local spending , and business output . The Airports Authority ’ s millions of passengers bring billions of dollars in spending and tax revenue to the National Capital Region annually , adding to the organization ’ s economic impact . The financial viability of the Airports Authority is paramount to the economic well-being of the region , just as the region ’ s strength is vital to the airports and Dulles Toll Road ’ s success .
Conservative financial management , including reduced debt service obligations , have contributed to the Airports Authority ’ s ability to maintain its financial strength , despite the current economic climate and lingering impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic . A strong balance sheet , ample liquidity and reserves , robust revenue , competitive cost per enplanement , manageable debt levels , solid debt service coverage levels , a nearly completed and financed capital construction program at the airports , as well as at the Dulles Corridor Metrorail Project , and strategic application of federal grant funding has allowed the Airports Authority to weather the impacts of the pandemic and has positioned the organization for a multi-year recovery . prides itself on unqualified audit opinions , high-quality budgets and Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports , timely and frequent reporting , and accessibility of information to external stakeholders via its website .
The annual budget and Annual Comprehensive Financial Report consistently have received the Government Finance Officers Association ’ s Distinguished Budget Award and Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting , respectively .
The Airport System is stronger now than we entered the last recessions , with continued strong Origin to Destination Airport journeys ( O & D ), and added services through increased connecting flights .
Commitment to astute financial management , adherence to regulatory standards , maintaining creditworthiness and financial transparency are at the core of the organization ’ s operations and accountability to its stakeholders . The Airports Authority
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