Transformational Learning
Employees engaged together in 484 hours of instructor-led learning .
Employees engaged in over 1300 e-learning hours on topics associated with several transformational skills critical to the Airports Authority ’ s strategic goals .
• Embracing equity and inclusion in the workplace
• Expanding communication and presentation skills
• Productivity , efficiency , and process improvement
• Data transformation and visualization
• Cyber Security
• Technology administration
• Microsoft 360 applications
The Airports Authority employees learned using increasingly diverse learning modalities . Out of the 507 online assets consumed , 380 media-rich courses , 110 books , and 17 audio books .
Productive Partnerships
The Airports Authority employees engaged with several external partners on upskilling in the strategic implementation of our goals .
• Public Safety consumed 288 learning hours in preparation for the new Metro station . ( OnDemand )
• Operations and Trades completed over 530 learning hours on the new work order system , MAXIMO ( Instructor-led )
People 38