CEO Message Overview Environment Social Governance Index
Safeguarding Operations
Recognizing the necessity of a comprehensive security strategy , the Airports Authority has adopted a defense-in-depth approach to cybersecurity . This strategy entails the deployment of multiple security controls and techniques to fortify our systems and data , reducing the likelihood of successful cyberattacks .
Aligned with the National Institute of Standards and Technology Cybersecurity Framework , the Airports Authority prioritizes the identification and protection of our most critical assets , encompassing sensitive data , intellectual property and other valuable resources . To accomplish this , we employ a diverse array of security measures .
By adhering to this multi-layered security system , the Airports Authority remains committed to upholding the integrity and security of our systems and data to safeguard the interests of our stakeholders and ensure uninterrupted operations .
Cyber Resilience
The Airports Authority is dedicated to fostering positive societal and environmental impact through robust environment , social and governance initiatives . Amid these efforts , cybersecurity stands out as a critical focal point , underscoring our commitment to safeguarding customers , employees and partners against digital threats .
Mandate robust password policies and enforce stringent password management practices
Update software and systems to bolster resilience against evolving threats
Formulate and rigorously test incident response plans to ensure prompt and effective mitigation in the event of security breaches
Cybersecurity Approach
Detect attempted cyberattacks in timely manner
Respond swiftly to any attempted cyberattacks
Protect the Airports Authority ’ s operations by implementing encryption mechanisms
Assess risks periodically to identify vulnerabilities and proactively address potential security gaps
Safeguard sensitive data during transmission and while at rest