CEO Message Overview Environment Social Governance Index
Outstanding Performance
The Airports Authority was honored with two notable awards for its economic performance . First , the Government Finance Officers Association presented the Airports Authority with the 2023 Distinguished Budget Presentation Award . The association is a respected independent organization dedicated to promoting excellence in public finance and overseeing government financial reporting . This award recognizes the Airports Authority ' s 2023 budget document for meeting criteria as a policy document , financial plan , operations guide and communications device .
In 2023 , the Airports Authority received the 2022 Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the association . This certificate was included in the 2023 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report , which also marks the 34th consecutive year of receiving the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting ( awarded for the 2022 Financial Report ). To qualify for this certificate , a government entity must publish a financial report that adheres to generally accepted accounting principles and applicable legal requirements .