CEO Message Overview Environment Social Governance Index
Encourage Thriving , Resilient Communities
$ 500,000 + raised for Special Olympics Virginia via annual Dulles Day and Plane Pull Festival |
7,500 +
items donated to schools , shelters and other non-profit organizations to benefit charitable causes
780 +
Small businesses and entities participated in supplier diversity outreach programming
1,183 +
issued Sunflower lanyards for accessibility awareness
pounds of food collected for local charities to address food insecurity
300 +
backpacks collected for D . C . children by Airports Authority employees
500 + students hosted for career exploration airport tours and programs
100 + pieces of student artwork displayed throughout DCA terminals
40 pieces of student artwork displayed throughout IAD terminals
8 community artwork installations
at both airports
333 +
posters and digital campaigns installed to raise human trafficking awareness