MW TEXAS AUTHORS – Tomas Rivera - The Portrait | Page 5

you think you can make it like that, make it 24 “All right.” 25 look like he’s alive?” “Don’t you worry about the picture.” 26 “Sure, we can. You know, we’ve done a And that was how they spent the entire lot of them in soldier’s uniforms and shaped day, going house to house, street by street, it, like you see in this sample, with inlays. their suitcases stuffed with pictures. As it Why, it’s more than just a portrait. Sure. You turned out, a whole lot of people had just tell me what size you want and whether ordered enlargements of that kind. you want a round or square frame. What do 27 “They should be delivering those portraits you say? How should I write it down?” soon, don’t you think?” “What do you say, vieja, should we have 28 “I think so, it’s delicate work and takes it done like this one?” more time. That’s some fine work those “Well, I’ve already people do. Did you see told you what I think. I how real those pict