MW TEXAS AUTHORS – Tomas Rivera - The Portrait | Page 4

Teach the Selection History Connection PL The Korean War  In 1950, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) invaded the Republic of Korea (South Korea). The United Nations sent troops from the United States and several other nations to help with the defense of South Korea. Millions of soldiers and civilians died in the war, which lasted until a cease-fire agreement was signed in 1953. The country remains divided. 48  UNIT 1 FICTION CONNECTIONS Differentiated Instruction 48   UNIT 1  FICTION CONNECTIONS English Language Learning Enrichment Volunteers who are fluent in Spanish might enjoy 0026-0052_G07_U1_PE_Transmit_3-21-2018.indd explaining the Spanish words 48 in the story. Students learning English may need help with the meanings of these words and expressions: three-dimensional—appearing to have depth, 47 installments—payments made at intervals, 47 caught on—understood, 49 swindled—cheated, 49 Encourage interested students to learn more about migratory farm workers in the United States. Suggest they might focus on housing and working conditions, health and safety, family life, schooling for children of migrant workers, or historical changes in the cultural identity of migrant workers. 3/26/18 1:59 PM