MW TEXAS AUTHORS – Tomas Rivera - The Portrait | Page 2

Teach the Selection Summary PL A salesman convinces migrant worker Don Mateo and his wife to purchase an expensive three-dimensional portrait of their only son, Chuy, who was killed in the Korean War. They hand over their only photograph of Chuy, pay cash, as the salesman insists, and await delivery of the finished portrait. Many weeks later, a sack of wet, worm-eaten photographs is found near the dump, and Chuy’s ruined photograph is among them. Don Mateo goes to San Antonio, finds the salesman, and insists that he provide the portrait of Chuy. Since the photograph has been ruined, the man must create the portrait from memory. He finally delivers the portrait to Don Mateo, who is pleased, and perhaps a little surprised, when people point out that Chuy had a remarkable resemblance to Don Mateo. Mirrors & Windows The Mirrors & Windows questions at the end of the story focus on the theme of the value of truth. Before students begin reading, ask: When, if ever, is it all right to ignore the truth? Private First Class Eugene A. Obregon was awarded the Medal of Honor in Korea for giving his life to save a fellow soldier. The Portrait A Short Story by Tomás Rivera 46 Program Resources Unit & Selection Resources Program Planning Guide, Selection Lesson Plan Assessment Guide, Lesson Test ExamView Differentiating Instruction Planning and Assessment 0026-0052_G07_U1_PE_Transmit_3-21-2018.indd 46 Passport Tools Multiplatform Student eBook Visual Teaching Package Audio Library Media Library 46   UNIT 1  FICTION CONNECTIONS Fiction Connections: Unit 1, Directed Reading, pp. 45–53 Enrichment Projects & Activities, Cultural Connection Project, p. 4 3/26/18 1:59 PM