MW TEXAS AUTHORS – Tomas Rivera - The Portrait

The Portrait SHORT STORY Directed Reading • Reading Level: Moderate, 660L • Difficulty Considerations: Abrupt shifts and lack of speaker tags by Tomás Rivera • Ease Factor: Suspense Use Reading Skills Literary Context  Mexican-American literature is sometimes referred to as Chicano literature. A main subject of Chicano literature is the experiences of newcomers to the United States. Mexican- American writers, such as Tomás Rivera, often describe the many challenges and pleasures associated with straddling two different cultures. Objectives Studying this lesson will enable students to • use reading skills such as analyzing cause and effect • define plot and recognize the elements of plot in the selection • describe literary accomplishments of Tomás Rivera and explain the influence of Mexican-American culture on his writing • appreciate a story of loss and remembrance Analyze Cause and  Effect  When you analyze cause and effect, you look for a logical relationship between a cause or several causes and one or more effects. Sometimes signal words such as because, since, and therefore signal cause-and-effect relationships. Keeping track of what happens in a story can help you better understand the story events. As you read “The Portrait,” use a chart to keep track of causes and effects. Reader’s Context Imagine that you have a treasured photograph of a well-loved pet, friend, or relative whom you will never see again. What might cause you to trust that photograph with a stranger? Set Purpose PL Preview the title and skim the first page of text. Make a prediction about the story’s conflict and its resolution. Then read to determine if your prediction is accurate. You may change your prediction as you gain new information from the story. Analyze Literature Build Background Plot  A plot is a series of events related to a central problem, or conflict. A typical plot begins with the introduction of the conflict, followed by events that lead to the climax, which is the point of highest tension or excitement in the story. The resolution is the point at which the central conflict is resolved. As you read “The Portrait,” identify the central conflict, climax, and resolution. Cause: Portrait salesman shows samples Launch the Lesson Prior to reading “The Portrait,” ask students how they would respond if someone tricked them out of a lot of money. How would they feel about that person? How would they feel about themselves? What would they do? Effect: Wife wants portrait of son Meet the Author Tomás Rivera (1935–1984) was the son of migrant farm workers, but he went on to earn a Ph.D. in romance Languages and Literature. rivera’s published work includes novels, short stories, poetry, and essays, written in English and Spanish. His fiction is known for its realistic portrayal of the enduring spirit and strong family and community ties of Mexican-American migrant workers. LITERARY ELEMENT Understanding Point of View Words in Use Selection Words delicate, 49 swindled, 49 M 0026-0052_G07_U1_PE_Transmit_3-21-2018.indd 45 THE POrTrAIT 45 KEY TERMS Academic Vocabulary straddling, 45 intensity, 51 short story , 45 45 plot , 45 conflict , 45 climax , 45 resolution , 45 skim , cause and effect , summary , 3/26/18 1:59 PM 45 51 ELAR TEKS 5.C, 6.G, 6.I The Portrait  45