Muzikoterapie prosinec 2019 Muzikoterapie 8, 9 | Page 6

Abstract Tonal systems play a significant role in the development of music history. A certain period of the development of music was characterised by the preference of one of the three basic tonal systems – Pythagorean, didymic and tempered, with the cent tonal system that was used to accurately measure frequency differences. The individual tonal systems stimulated the emergence of modal and tonal systems, stimulated the emergence of avant-garde movement in the 20 th century music, the construction of musical instruments, musical interpretation and the overall development of musical thinking. In the development of music until the mid-16 th century, the Pythagorean tonal system made a significant impact on the establishing affection theory and the closely associated rhetoric of music. In the 17 th and 18 th centuries, mainly the didymic and tempered tonal systems played the important role. The Didymic Tonal System was a prerequisite for the establishment of modern major and minor tonal system that is current in music until the present time. The distinctive features of this tonal system conditioned to a great extent the use of affect theory with all its accompanying features, particularly the rhetoric of music. Without the didymic tonal system, the effects of affect theory and rhetoric of music would be minimised. The tempered tonal system brings to the history of music the prominent element – the fluent and continuous transition across all of the tonalities of quartal and quintal harmony, which to a large extent has been conditioned modern tonal and harmonic processes. However, the activity of affect in the sense of Baroque affect theory is almost negligible. Key words: Tonal system. Modal system. Affect theory. The rhetoric of music. Accompanying signs. Modern harmony. Úvod Tónové sústavy svojou zložitosťou, zamestnávajú hudobných teoretikov, filozofov, či matematikov od najstarších čias, siahajúcich do antického Grécka, až po súčasnú dobu. Presne definovať tónovú sústavu sa nedá priamočiaro a prináša to so sebou veľa rozličných prístupov. „V pojme tónová sústava sa stretávajú aspekty, možno povedať hudobno-teoretické (ktoré v sebe zahŕňajú aj historickú a spoločenskú dimenziu človeka ako výlučného tvorcu a konzumenta hudby) so zákonitosťami psychofyziologickými, siahajúcimi od všeobecnej psychológie až k akustike sluchu, a so zákonmi celkom generálne odvoditeľnými zo všeobecnej teórie kmitavých procesov a spektier“ (Filip, 1998, s. 263). Veľmi zaujímavé