Mustang Musings May 2020 | Page 17

The sun came up

And there came color

The flowers bloomed

“For you and your mother”

They picked each out

They smiled with blisters

“Tomorrow!” They would shout

“For you and your sisters!”

That night

He sat on the cloud

Fell asleep alright

Got lost in the sound

The sky was silent

Their ears could not hear

Their heart rate was violent

And so were their fears


“Tomorrow is never promised!”


“Tomorrow is never promised!”

And dark it was

They were afraid to go

They didn’t know what was coming

Some kind of foe

Some tyrant, quickly running

They wait for a sign

Some kind of tune

Stay put in a line

Wait for their doom

He appears from the blue

says “sorry for my slumber”

“Tomorrow..I have no clue”

“Just a little thunder”

They scream loud

“Tomorrow will rise soon”

“And we can’t get out”

now...She rises from the crowd


“Tomorrow is never promised!”


“If we’re being honest!”

“Let’s live today”

“Maybe die tomorrow”

“Celebrate! I say”

“Not live in sorrow”

Tomorrow glared

And so did thunder

They were unprepared

But they did not wonder

They accepted their fate

Smiled through

Were buried in slate

Left only a few


“Let’s live today”

“Maybe die tomorrow”

“Celebrate! I say”

“Not live in sorrow”

Tomorrow glared

And so did thunder

They were unprepared

But they did not wonder

They accepted their fate

Smiled through

Were buried in slate

Left only a few


Tomorrow is never promised


If we’re being honest

Tomorrow is never promised

So live in the present

Enjoy it and live

Every day like it’s last

Life has much to give

But tomorrow is passed

Carrots by Carrot

Is this a carrot I see before me,

Fresh from the earth? Come, let me hold thee.

I cannot touch thee, yet I see thee still.

Are thou vision false, nothing but trickery,

To touch as it is to sight? Or are you

Only a picture from the mind, an imagined carrot,

Made to torture my senses? I see thee there, orange and earthy, as true

As the ground below my feet. You tempt thy senses more and more;

And thou was planning to put thee in my salad.

Thee fool thou sight for the other senses,

All the rest have taken leave yet still I see thee clearly with the dirt washed away, which was not so before, showing the gleaming carrot.

Mine eyes to be true. Now over all my sleep I have nightmares

About cutting it. Other cooks celebrate the failed perfection. See not the carrot I shall soon ruin with my shaking hands.

The very carrot surrounded my whereabouts and state the carrot is chopped magnificently.

Words to my taste and perfect to what I should smell.


I go, and it is done; the call invites me.

Hear it not a gleaming carrot for it is true

That summons thee to kitchen or table.