Music Talk Magazine (Hip Hop's Interpreter) 5 | Page 20

According to TMZ, Tyga is being sued for allegedly stealing clothing concepts from his ex-business partner Chuo Gen Lee. Concepts that are now his insignia and clothing line brand Egypt Kings, formally known as Last Kings.

The lawsuit documents state that Tyga and Lee created the brand for the clothing line titled Last Kings in January 2013. Lee claims that Tyga promised her mass promotion and multiple shelves Tilly's (California-based clothing chain). Lee claims that Tyga did not make good on any of his promises while solely collecting all of the profit (over $500k).

To make matters worse Tyga subtly changed the lines name to Egypt Kings which leads to believe that he parted ways with his former business partner and partnered up with another interest. This did not stop Lee from suing Tyga and his new business partner for $1.6 million and damages for her claims.