To express themselves musically in all freedom
The International Music Council advocates access to music for all. It has proclaimed and works towards the advancement of ?ve music rights: The right for or all children and adults • To express themselves musically in all freedom • To learn musical languages and skills • To have access to musical involvement through participation, listening, creation, and information The right for all musical artists • To develop their artistry and communicate through all media, with
To learn musical languages and skills
proper facilities at their disposal • To obtain just recognition and remuneration for their work. Enacting the ?ve music rights of the IMC in a developing nation seems a herculean task despite the fact that most developing countries particularly those in Africa are culturally rich. Freedom of expression for children especially musically is restrained by societal and religious ethics which have developed systems to chain expressions. Most indigenous music forms are closely linked with some form of worship/ rites. These types of songs include songs to bring down the rain / control the activities of the elements. They
To have acces involvemen participation creation and
are also songs used to e the lands, dirges for dep musical languages and provided in public instit secondary level.
In Nigeria the governm and musicians to help m glamorous/ to drive hom but it is not making pro education particularly a secondary institutions, formative years of a chi rights skills to read, lear hinders the child from b participate competitivel