Music is the muse Issue One - The Interview edition | Page 8

Rockin' n' Rollin' . An Interview with Neal X. How did I discover Neal X. and his music? Again, there is a Marc Almond connection. I was aware of him since he first played guitar on Marc’s 1995 album Fantastic Star. Since then, Neal has not only been a fan favourite on stage alongside Marc, but has also co- written many of his songs. It wasn’t long before I discovered that Neal used to be a member of notorious ‘80s band Sigue Sigue Sputnik. A friend and I used to play the 12” of 21 st Century Boy over and over when we were kids. If you are not familiar with them, go check them out. They are totally mental – in a good way, of course! -, absolutely pop and just fun to listen to. Oh, and have a look at those videos. The hairdos and outfits are worth your attention. I guess my character Raoul Sinclair inherited some of the bloody-mindedness of SSS, plus the love for outrageous outfits and shows. Embrace the madness and have a damn good party, that to me seems to have been SSS’s message. And now there are The Montecristos. A Rock’n’Roll/ Rockabilly band with a modern twist. The story continues. Rock on! Did music save your soul? Yes! Music has been a constant for me throughout the years. A comfort, a thrill, a shoulder to cry on, a crutch when I couldn't stand, a lover, a best friend… Music has helped enrich, enthral, excite and enhance every part of my life. What was the first song you remember? First single/Album/CD you bought? First concert you saw? First thing which made you want to be a musician? 1st song I remember is "She Loves You" by The Beatles. I must have been about 3 and sang along constantly to it on the radio. 1st single I really remember falling for was "School's Out" by Alice Cooper – it summed up exactly my feelings towards school "School's out for Summer, School's out FOREVER!" Bowie and Bolan (and early Elton John – when he was good) came next. It seems every week brought a new pop sensation when I was in my early teens. We were lucky – the music we fell in love with in the early 70s is still held in high regard. It all added to my desperation to escape a "normal" life and become a rock 'n' roll star guitar player. What is your favourite way to listen to music and why? I absolutely love to hear favourite songs played LOUD through a great sound system. It's 7