Music is the muse Issue One - The Interview edition | Page 5

My first album was Ziggy Stardust & the Spiders from Mars by David Bowie. First concert you saw? My first concert (and it totally blew my mind) was Roxy Music. First thing which made you want to be a musician? I think it was seeing Roxy Music that made me want to be in a band!! What is your favourite way to listen to music and why? In the car or on a train. I love travelling to music. In your experience, has the music industry changed for the better or worse? Do you think it is easier to create and distribute music today than it was in the past? In some ways, it's better. We have home studio set ups. We have the internet so bands & musicians & songwriters can promote & release their own material which is very empowering rather than having to be tied to the demands of a corporation/label. It's wonderful to be autonomous in that respect. In some regards the industry has changed for the worse as we see so much manufactured TV pop stuff. I'm not sure I like the whole talent competition pop stars. I used to like it when pop stars were more subversive. The TV stuff is all so very safe & stands firmly on safe/acceptable middle ground. What is the best thing that has happened to you in your career The best thing for me is when I get feedback from people who have bought my music & have said that it made a difference to their lives. You can't beat that. What is the oddest thing a fan as ever said or done to you? I've had some very strange letters in the past, I was never sure if they were for real, but generally fans have said some very heart-warming & supportive things to me. If you could pick any musician, alive or dead, to collaborate with in whatever way, whom would you pick and what would you do? Jim Morrison. I would write a song with him & record it & perform it live!! Even make a video!! If you could pick any concert in history, which one would you like to attend? Woodstock. Your piece of advice to today's bedroom musicians dreaming of a big career. Go for it, and even if the world doesn't buy your art or your music, you just keep on doing it!!! (I have that written on my studio wall!) 4