Music & Dance News, September-October 2022 edition | Page 5

Music & Dance News September / October 2022 Page 5

Polka Lovers Klub of America

Po . L . K . of A . President Audrey Litzau
15 Hana Street Lester Prairie , MN 55354 320-420-6631 litz @ mchsi . com
Hi there to all our many dancing friends . First of all want to say that I had a lovely time on the Bus Trip with the Leon Olsen Show out to Carlock , SD ., at the end of June . It was a very enjoyable trip and the first one I have taken in many years . So am looking forward to the next bus trip , when and where is still up in the air .
Well according to calendar its says that the 23rd Annual Po . L . K . of A ’ S Music Fest is about to begin . Yes , the board and myself have been getting things in order for this event , waiting for the doors of Pla-Mor to open on Aug ,. 5 , at about 3 pm . There will be many memories made this weekend in seeing many of our dancing friends and making new ones .
Our first day music was from 4 to 8 PM , with Julie Lee and Her White Rose Band providing us with some great dancing music once again . Our 2nd day , Sat ., Aug 6 , the floor was full at all times having so much fun dancing to The Leon Olsen Show and Gary ’ s Ridgeland Dutchmen , doing their magic on the stage . And on Sun ., Aug . 7 , it was the final day of our MusicFest and again it was a day to remember with Dain ’ s Dutchmen and Nate Frederickson Bands providing us all with another great day of memories , for us to put in our back pockets to keep us going throughout the next year till it will be time for our 2023 Annual MusicFest once again . This is also the time of year when your annual Po . L . K . OF A . membership dues are due . Maddie , our Membership Secretary , was on hand to provide our members with their new renewal cards . With us doing it during our Musicfest saves a lot of time and postage both ways . If any of you have a comment about our MusicFest , please let me or one of our board members know .
Po . L . K . of A . Vice President Sharon Kahle
9225 Hackney Dr . Cologne , MN 55322
952-442-4306 sharonandjerry @ embarqmail . com
The past two months have been busy musically as Jerry played Music in the Park , Bavarian Blast , dance jobs and participating in Delano Community Band . When we attended these events , we visited with people we had met in Arizona or had not seen in quite a while , so it made it fun catching up with their lives . I guess has a way of doing that to us . Jerry also does music in assisted living homes with another fellow currently they have been going to seven homes .
Life goes on as we became Great grandparents for the sixth time with a little boy named Kohen not sure where our grandchildren come with names . Jerry ’ s brotherin-law
passed away , so the cycle of life continues . We sure could use a good shower of rain as we water the garden , but it just isn ’ t the same as rain . The rabbits and squirrels are tasting the garden and have done a great job eating the vegetables instead of us .
I hope you have attended the Musicfest and had a great time . Seeing people and making new friends at the fest . Continue to go dancing and supporting the bands and ballrooms .
Po . L . K . of A . Secretary Terri Ochsner
2109 Quartz Lane Eagan , MN 55122 612-203-7754
651-681-0291 terrio47 @ hotmail . com
Hello Dancing Friends :
Boy , time sure flies by fast . Here it is August , and the long hot summer is almost over . Hope this finds everyone in good health . My husband ’ s ankle is healing great . He is in a shoe now , a little unstable walking , but he is doing great . Once
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