Music & Dance News, July-August 2021 edition | Page 8

Music & Dance News July / August 2021 Page 8
During the first dance of the event , past royalty joined hands in a circle around newly-crowned Minnesota Po . L . K . of A . King Arnie Alsleben and Queen Shirley Alsleben .

MN Po . L . K . of A . chapter hosts dance , coronation , meeting

The first dance at Pla- Mor Ballroom in Glencoe , MN since the COVID-19 pandemic took place June 13 , with Dain ’ s Dutchmen providing the entertainment .
There was a large crowd on hand , and everyone had a good time getting to see their friends again . It has been 15 months since they were able to gather for a dance .
Members of the Minnesota chapter of the Polka Lovers Klub of America hosted a general meeting the same afternoon , elected two new board members , discussed its upcoming Musicfest at Pla-Mor Ballroom Friday , Aug . 6 through Sunday , Aug . 8 ,
Shirley and Arnie Alsleben were crowned Po . L . K . of A . royalty during the Minnesota chapter ’ s event at Pla-Mor Ballroom in Glencoe , MN recently .
Past royalty hit the dance floor , enjoying a chance to see old friends again .
Continued on page 9