Music & Dance Music-Dance News Jan-Feb'20 | Page 8
Music & Dance News
January/February 2020
Page 8
Polka Lovers Klub of America
Po.L.K. of A.
Audrey Litzau
PO Box 404
121 Cedar Drive
Lester Prairie, MN
(320) 420-6631
(320) 395-8488
Audrey Litzau
Hello, to all our won-
derful polka friends and
The year 2019 is com-
ing to a close really fast,
it seems like. So, 2020
will be upon us soon.
We all have so many
work-, and family-relat-
ed events to attend in our
busy schedules, but we
must remember to take
some time to do some-
thing fun for ourselves.
If you like the old-
time music and danc-
ing, it is a good idea to
become a member of the
Minnesota Po.L.K. of
A., if you aren’t already
one. You get to meet a
lot of friendly, fun-lov-
ing people who you
will become fast friends
with. Take a spin around
a dance fl oor, wherever
you meet them. You will
have many fun times
with them.
I hope you have had a
good Thanksgiving holi-
day season, with all that
we must be thankful for.
Enjoy the upcom-
ing Christmas season.
As we start 2020, come
out to an old-time dance
close to you and enjoy
the day.
Our nomination meet-
ing will be Sunday, Jan.
12 at the Pla-Mor Ball-
room in Glencoe, MN,
with a meeting starting
at 11 a.m.
Dancing follows the
meeting, from 1:30 to
5:30 p.m., with music by
Jim’s Brewers, a four-
piece band.
Remember, if you are
a Po.L.K. of A. mem-
ber, you get in free to
the dance and get a free
lunch ticket if you attend
the 11 a.m. meeting that
day. Come and share
your ideas with the klub.
I hope to see as many of
our dancing friends there
that can make it.
Remember, if you have
any questions about join-
ing the klub, please ask
one of us on the board
and we will try to answer
them the best we can.
I wish all of you a
Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year.
Po.L.K. of A.
Vice President
Hillard Klaustermeier
1000 Central Avenue
Lester Prairie, MN
(320) 395-2287
(320) 237-3597
when you attend the
meeting, you get in free
to the dance and receive
a free ticket for the af-
ternoon meal at the Pla-
Keep dancing, stay
healthy, and have fun.
Po.L.K. of A.
Maddie Spiess
210 First St. E.
Madelia, MN 56062
(507) 642-8897
Hello to all the peo-
ple and friends who we
know and have met at
I stay inside the house
most of the time, read a
lot, and wonder what is
going to happen next in
this world.
We had a good
Thanksgiving, and hope
everyone did also.
Our wish for all our
readers is to have the
best Christmas that you
can, and enjoy the sea-
I hope to see many of
you at the Sunday, Jan.
12 nomination meeting
at 11 a.m. at the Pla-
Mor in Glencoe, MN. A
dance will follow, with
Jim’s Brewers four-piece
band providing the music
from 1:30 to 5:30 p.m.
Po.L.K. of A. members,
Maddie Spiess
Greetings to all our
readers, near and far. It’s
been a beautiful week
of sunshine and some
wind this week before
Thanksgiving. Hopeful-
ly, it will stay that way,
as I am awaiting the ar-
rival of my family for
the holiday.
We have taken a hia-
tus from dancing for a
few weeks. Deer hunting
season and skiing seem
to have taken the place
of dancing for the next
month or more.
Gene and I attended
the Polka Party in Roch-
ester, MN in November.
Continued on page 9