Museum of Sake Journal Spring 2015 | Page 62

TOKYO SAKE FORECAST 2015 For 2015 Marie predicts that adding a new twist to drinking will become a major trend. One such trend is kan-zake. Although there’s just one word for warm sake, kan-zake is actually very diverse and deep. Among the different types of kan-zake, Marie continues to provide warm pure, undiluted sake said to have a high degree of difficulty. As the range of most suitable temperature for warm undiluted sake is very narrow, warming it requires specialized knowledge and years of experience and varies by year, success of the batch and sake ware even. 2015年、麻里絵さんは一工夫を加える飲み方がトレンド になると予測する。その代表が燗酒だ。ひとえに燗酒と いっても種類は多様で実は奥がとても深