All he mentioned about steroids that they
are illegal products, but it was hard to infer if
he sells them or not. For the other two
interviews, they were both held at “Smart
Gym” but different branches, the women
branch and the men branch. At the women
branch, the coach had a slight background on
supplements. Although they don’t sell
supplements at women branch, but the coach
mentioned that some of their customers take
supplements to lose weight, and few of them
to make some muscles still these cases can be
counted on fingers. On the other hand, the
men branch was much more useful. The coach
there gave me a lot of information about
supplements, mentioning that most of his
customers take supplements for different
reasons. Although it was hard to infer if they
sell steroids or not but 90% they don’t.
To make this comparison clear, it was
discovered the social effect on interviewees in
both countries. Although, steroids are illegal
in both countries, their replies and reactions
differed. Stereotyping role began by affecting
people’s replies as they were afraid to mention
the word steroids, as if it is a drug. In Egypt it
is not accepted that someone takes steroids
publically, he will look odd to others that’s
why it was really hard asking someone if he
takes or sells steroids. We had to reach this
issue in an indirect way. For Dubai, it’s rare to
find such stereotypes there, as it is a diverse
country, having many nationalities and has no
cultures and traditions. That is the reason
behind how interviewees there were more
flexible in their replies.
WRITTEN BY: Hanya H. Howeedy.