Muscles talk Muscles Talk | Page 27

Dubai vs. Egypt Cultures, traditions, norms and beliefs; all of them differ from one country to another. Dubai and Egypt differ in mostly everything except one thing, which is steroids abusing. In both countries, trading steroids is illegal and against law. After holding a survey in both countries; Egypt and Dubai, a comparison was formed. The survey is mainly to find out approximately the rate of people taking supplements and steroids, regarding sexism. This comparison showed also the differences recognized in people’s answers and replies. In Dubai the survey was a little bit easier than Egypt’s one. As you are able to find suppliers and abusers easier, and they are more flexible in replying you. Principally, the survey was divided into two parts. A part held at the gym for the athletes and the other part for the suppliers themselves. Considering both points of views was an important step in this survey to be more accurate and reliable. First of all, concentrating on the gym, an interview was held with the managers of two different gyms. The first gym “Fitness 360” located in Dubai, they didn’t sell steroids since it is illegal, and even the manager was against steroids due to its side effects. The other gym “Body Talk” was the opposite, the owner used to buy the steroids from foreign countries and hide them in his bag to pass the air port’s gate safely. He only buys few packages as he mentioned the reason was that people don’t depend on steroids except rarely. He also said that only his gym members are the only ones allowed to take from these steroids and they pay for it in addition to the membership fees. Going to the other side, the suppliers, it was a little bit difficult to ask them if they are legal or not. But after a long conversation with two suppliers the target was reached. One of these suppliers “Fitness 1” a small shop in International city also located in Dubai, he actually threaded how he buys the steroids. He said a friend of him also smuggles only two packages of steroids through the air port, and these two packages lasts with him from year and a half to two years. Also, connecting sexism to the questionnaire, he said that only males who buy steroids and that he had never met a female customer in this shop. Another shop was legal. The manager said they don’t sell steroids; they only sell supplements for athletes. Moving back to Egypt, it was a little bit tough. Most of people didn’t get comfortable being asked about supplements or steroids, as if I was asking about drugs. Three interviews were held, one with a supplier and the other two with coaches. The supplier was only selling supplements and he had variety of choice. 1