An interview with a supplements seller
Interviewer: In your brochures you said "We
provide all kinds of supplements". In the
beginning what are these supplements?
The seller: They are dietary supplements.
Anyone who wants to shape his body or at
least be fit, he must fulfill all his body
nutrition needs. Food on its own can't supply
the body with all the nutrients needed; so
supplements are taken to complete the food's
nutrients. For example, if one's weight is 70
kilos, he needs 2 or more grams of protein for
each kilo; which means he needs almost 150
grams of protein per day. No one can gain
more than 100 grams of protein from food per
day, so the remaining 50 grams needed are
taken from these supplements.
Interviewer: What are the differences
between the different types of supplements?
The seller: They differ upon the ingredients
of each type. For example the "Whey" type, it
is composed of 5 different types of proteins.
There are almost 7 or 8 categories of proteins.
Each type has its own function in building the
body. In other words, different types of
supplements differ in their protein categories
and the concentration of each category. It
depends on the body needs of each person.
Moreover, each company may add more
keratin or amino acids or any other nutrients to
sell its products.
The interviewer: What is the relation between
training and these supplements?
The seller: After training, the body strives for
proteins. No one can eat a meal after training
that can fulfill his body with 100 grams of
proteins. So a scoop of supplements is taken to
benefit the body with all proteins needed.
Similarly the amino acids that are added to
supplements help in building the body.
The interviewer: Is it possible to take these
supplements without training?
The seller: No. These supplements are in the
form of powder. When the supplement is
taken the body must burn the powder by
training and secreting sweat. Anyone who
takes these supplements without training may
suffer from renal failure. The unburned
powder leads to the deposition on kidneys.
The interviewer: Do supplements have side
The seller: No. side effects are only observed
when these supplements are taken without
training, exerting effort and burning the
The interviewer: What is the difference
between supplements and steroids?
The seller: There is a huge difference. As I
told you supplements are dietary supplements
that are related to nutrition. However, Steroids
changes the hormones in the body. The body
has many hormones like the male hormone:
testosterone, estrogen, and many other. The
testosterone is the hormone responsible for
building the body. When we increase the
testosterone rate, all the nutrition is transferred
to the muscles. As the hormone rate increase
the muscle gets bigger. That’s why steroids
supply the body with 1000% more than what
the body produces. If the body produces 100
milligrams of the hormone, the steroids add
more 1000 milligrams.