Murray Roberts talks about the need for migrant workers in hospitalit Importance of buyng reliable products | Page 26

YOUR GUEST BATHROOMS: HOW TO MEET GUESTS’ EVERMORE STRINGENT TOILETRY DEMANDS A n often overlooked guest offering, toiletries and amenities are frequently cited by guests as being one of the first things they inspect post check-in. Add to this the fact that any international travellers will have been prohibited from bringing any liquids over 100ml with them and it’s easy to see why the quality of hotel toiletries has taken on a new level of precedence in the last few years. Once over, a generic bottle of shampoo and a bar of soap was enough to appease most guests, but alas that is no longer the case. In the last decade or so, the percent-age of guests using hotel provided toiletries and amenities has leaped from 35% to 75% and is set to keep rising. All good housekeepers want to provide their guests with the highest quality toiletries within budget, but today the choice available to housekeepers is nothing short of be-fuddling, with countless suppliers providing toiletries ranging from bountiful bargain of-ferings to boutique options. 1. KEEP IT REAL… For a failsafe plan establishments should choose a range of toiletries and amenities that fit with their hotel’s brand identity, for example, an environmentally friendly range 26 Housekeeping management of hotels should opt for a range of sustainable, eco- toiletries to meet with their clienteles ideals. 2. DON’T CUT CORNERS… As well as selecting toiletries that fall inline with branding, a hotel’s choice of toiletries should also match the level of service it purports to supply. If accommodation is toted as being high end yet is providing low budget toiletries to its clientele, it only serves to raise questions and eyebrows from guests as to whether, other, less obvious corners are also being cut in pursuit of a quick profit. 3) SIZE MATTERS… After bagging the perfect brand, the next task facing housekeepers, is to decide on the size of their chosen amenities. When choosing size, firstly consider the practicalities. Mini bottles: If guest bathrooms aren’t large enough to accommodate dispensers, then mini bottles are certainly the way to go. Mini bottles,