Mundelein Park District Program Guide Winter2019_Spring2020 brochure_online | Page 64
New Year, New You Dance-a-thon
(Ages 12–13 w/adult, 14+)
Saturday, January 4, 9:30–11 am
Cost: $10 member/$15 nonmenber
Program: 0034.25.1
Held at Dunbar Recreation Center
There isn't a party like a Zumba and WERQ party! Our 3 fitness
dance instructors are teaming up to bring you a hour and a
half class that will kick your resolution into high gear. First time
fitness dancers are welcomed and experienced participants are
encouraged to bring their friends. Feel free to celebrate the new
year by wearing festive accessories. Led by Molly, Stefanie and
Carol. *Must Register by 12/28. No same day registration.
Savasana and Sweets (Age 21+)
Friday, February 7, 6–7:45 pm
Cost: $20 member/$25 nonmember
Program 0035.25.1
Held at Dunbar Recreation Center
Plan a date with your loved one or invite a friend for a night of partner
yoga and chocolate! Relax in an all level class and catch up around a
tray of fine chocolate. The night wouldn't be complete without a little
friendly competition. Find out whose taste buds are stronger as you
try to identify hidden flavors such as lavender and rum. Led by Diane
Cappasso and Nicole Schaller. *Must register by 1/31. No same day
Share the Love
Feb 10–Feb 16
Share NovaCare Fitness Center and your love of
fitness with the ones you care about most. Bring a
friend to workout with you for FREE!
March Madness Fitness Challenge
Mar 1–Mar 31
Program: 0036.25.1
Keep your fitness resolution going strong with the help of
NovaCare's fitness challenge. Every time you check-in at
the front desk and spend at least 30 active minutes in the
building, you will receive a point. Every 6 points equals an
entry into the March Madness raffle . The more you come,
the more chances to win ONE FREE YEAR at NovaCare
Fitness Center!