Mundelein Park District Program Guide Winter2019_Spring2020 brochure_online | Page 56
Exclusively for ages 50+
Regent Center
Mundelein Park & Recreation District’s Regent Center is a
multi-purpose center, serving the needs and interests of
Mundelein and area residents, ages 50+. Regent Center is
open weekdays, 8:30 am–3:30 pm.
1200 Regent Drive, Mundelein
Join in! Affordable, calendar-year memberships
$12 resident, $19 nonresident
Mailed monthly newsletter: $9
LENDING CLOSET: Durable medical
equipment, such as walkers, canes,
commodes, bath seats, transfer
benches, raised toilet seats and
periodically wheelchairs are available
for temporary loan at Regent Center.
For more information,
please call 847.566.4790.
Games and More (Programs are free to members unless noted)
Program Day/Time
50-Up Club
2nd Thursday at 1 pm
Games galore! Bring your ideas to share.
Wednesdays at 1 pm
Enjoy a good game of Bingo. Cost: 3 cards/$1
Fridays at 12:30 pm Drop in and play! Fridays, arrive at 12:20, play
at 12:30.
Golden Hours 1st & 3rd Thursdays at 12:30 pm. This group maintains its own at membership.
Hand & Foot Every Tuesday and
Enjoy this fun card game.
2nd & 4th Thursdays at 12:30 pm
Mah-Jongg ® Mondays at 10:15 am (Trad.)
Tuesdays at 1:00 pm (Nat'l Mah-Jongg League)
Thursdays at 12:30 pm (Nat'l. Mah-Jongg League)
Mexican Train Fridays at 12:30 pm
An exciting dominos game sweeping the nation.
Mondays at 1 pm
Call for info.
Mondays at 1 pm
This fun game resembles bingo.
Tuesdays at 12:30 pm
A great way to spend an afternoon.
Wednesdays 10:30 am
The classic brain exercise extraordinaire!