Mundelein Park District Program Guide online special summer brochure 2020 | Page 33
Vegetable growing fun
Here is a fun, educational and tasty activity to do with
your children at home!
1. Did you know that the
leaves of carrot are actually
edible? You can grow them
by putting carrot tops in
water in a well-lit room or a
window sill. Cut the sprouts
an put them into your salad.
2. Celery can be regrown! Cut
off the base of the celery and
place it in a bowl of warm
water in a sunny spot. New
leaves will begin to grow and
thicken in 5 to 7 days. Then
you can plant it in a pot!
I wish I could
grow bird seed!
3. Green Onions! Cut your green onions off the green
stalks from the bulb leaving about an inch of the bulb.
Put the bulbs in a small glass with just enough water
to cover the bottom of the bulb. Leave somewhere
sunny for about 10 days, changing the water regularly.
Cut off the green shoots and repeat.
Online Brochure, Spring 2020