2013 North American Properties MULT-IFAMILY LEASE UP 14
the types of words , phrases and jargon to be used in social media communications .
4 . Purpose : In the end , why are we here ? Our brand voice in social media can help customers understand what we want to do with and for them .
v� “ Meet The Neighbors ” ( MTN ) Video Series - In this video series , NAP highlights amazing restaurants , shops , parks , bars , music venues , public gathering spots , hotels and all else that make the city where our apartment communities are located a superb place to call home . 1 . MTN “ Brand ” Videos . E . g ., http :// youtu . be / Dc6-vhzCqq8 a . Capturing b-roll – Team members best familiar with the area where our apartment communities are located should identify “ landmarks ” to use in each MTN series ’ b . Identify featured brands – Team members best familiar with the area should identify six to eight brands we want to associate with that are generally within 10 minutes of our apartment communities . i . Work with the brand ( restaurant , retail store , etc .), to schedule their interview . We ’ ll want their permission which includes signing the likeness release , which states the brand , has no editorial control and that we have rights to use the video in any medium without their further permission . c . On-camera talent - Talent should submit three to five interview question ideas for approval . We ' ll use two or three . At the end of each segment , we ' ll let the brand " plug " their business . i . Talent should have a wardrobe change for each shoot ( no white or crazy / busy patterns ).
2 . MTN “ Places ” Videos . E . g ., http :// youtu . be / Tr39H5enBnY a . Identifying featured places - Team members best familiar with the area where our apartment communities are located will Identify the “ places ” we should feature ( museum , park , etc .)