The MudSlayer run was an adrenaline pumping
I was then stuck and had no idea how I was going
challenge that I look forward to participating in
to turn myself around and get to the bottom. A few
again next year. As our heat crowded the start line,
teammates that were running with me encouraged
the atmosphere was exciting and nerve-wracking
me to flip my legs over and start down the rope.
considering no one knew what was ahead of us.
Once I completed the obstacle, I high fived a
Anxiously awaiting the first obstacle, I paced myself
teammate and continued the run. The course was
along the dirt track heading into the wooded, rocky
laid out very well. The ups and downs of hills made
terrain. After climbing a few hills, the obstacles
the obstacles challenging and fun.
began… ropes, tires, mud, hurdles, barbed wire…
What more could you ask for?
Every obstacle I came to I was put to the test,
I also found the muddy hills with an enormous
mud puddle at the bottom to be rather thrilling.
Sliding down into waist deep watery mud might not
wondering if I would be able to complete it
sound appealing to all, but it’s totally worth trying.
successfully. In my opinion, one of the most difficult
Trudging through the puddles with mud caked
obstacles was the rope wall that was angled away
onto my shoes, I pulled myself up and continued
from me. As I climbed, with my back to the ground
my trek. Obstacles with tires and a rope climb, over
and my stomach facing the sky, I made it to the top.
and under poles that barricaded a straight path