at which point my eyes immediately welled up with
There’s two things that I’ll remember the most
tears and I had to fight back sobbing like a little
from my 14 1/2 hours of the Ultra Beast, both
girl. A year’s worth of feelings, emotions, doubts,
somewhat related.
struggles, etc. seemed to begin to wash away at this
Any obstacle racer knows that help is just a
second away on the course if you need it. I was the
beneficiary of a lot on the course...from a guy giving
point. I had made it. I had earned my Killington
Right after the hug from Doug, all of a sudden I
me Aleve after my knee s \?Y??[[??]Z[B???\?Y??Y?H[??\??^K?HY??&]?X[^?H??]??????H??Z[?[??]?H?]??[[?\??[?Z[B???\??]?\?\??[YY]?\?[?????\??[??\???L]H?\??]?[??H?????\?H????[???X?\?]?[?Y[??^H[[?[?[?]X][????]Z[H?