Mudpuddler June 2014 June 2014 | Page 7

WHAT OF THE FUTURE Don McKenzie Albert Sailing Club is considered very competent at conducting these types of events. We now have a new committee with three women and six men. The commodore from the last three years has stepped down, and we were unable to fill the position of Rear Commodore. The Vice Commodore has expressed a wish to not being responsible I often think members are not aware of the efforts put for organising social events. in by that group. I am in the process of organising the committee We should all express our gratitude for their efforts members to share the duties not covered. Being on the committee will involve all members in supporting and look to assist them. the running off the club. A number of ideas have been expressed in the past two editions on directions the club needs to go to cope One of the major tasks will be training new commitwith the changes in community expectations and level tee members to cover these positions and looking at succession planning. This is vital for introduction of of commitment they are willing to make. new ideas and views and developing people to fill In the past years we have introduced beginners train- major positions in the club. ing courses. This made a substantial contribution to the club’s income, whilst not always leading to an in- Unless we do this in the near future there will be no one to run the club and it will close. flux of new members. Albert Sailing Club has been operating with a dedicated core of members over a long time covering all duties necessary for the successful running of the Club. The Yachting Victoria introduction of the Discover Sailing brand is a way to introduce more people to sailing. We hold an annual Discover Sailing day as listed by Yachting Victoria and also have introduced a monthly social sailing Sunday. This is an opportunity for those wanting to sail but not necessarily race to come down to the lake to try sailing. These days are also viewed as part of the Discover Sailing program and an opportunity to introduce passers-by to sailing and hopefully recruit some new members. The future seems to involve making sailing available to a modern community that will not necessarily make a long term commitment to the sport. Temporary membership and the hiring of club training boats when they are not being used for training are two initiatives introduced. I would like to express my gratitude of the efforts of past committees and will strive to maintain the standards they set. —————————————————————- SPONSORSHIP The club is actively considering obtaining sponsorship. Packages are being developed which we hope will have appeal to potential sponsors. Depending on the package, the benefits will include listing in Snippets, on the website and Mudpuddler, Facebook link, signage in the club, external signage on banners and sails and race days. If you or the organisation you work with might be Many more avenues to increase our level of involve- interested in exploring sponsorship opportunities, ment in the sport may become available. We need to please contact John Whelan on 0414 251 669 or by endorse these opportunities and expand our area of email at [email protected]. operation. —————————————————————This year the Club is hosting the Australian Teams Racing Regatta on the holiday weekend in June, conducting a Women and Girls in Sailing Challenge event on June 14thin conjunction with a club trophy race. The following weekend is our Winter Regatta run over two days, June 21st and 22nd. MASTS If you have a mast in the racks please ensure it has identification on it. It is proposed to remove all unidentified masts and dispose of them. If you have masts in the racks that you no longer use or want please remove them or they will go to the tip. Page 7