Mudpuddler June 2014 June 2014 | Page 6

ALBERT PARK MASTER PLAN 2014 VERNA TEMPLETON AND VIRGO TROPHY RACES Rod Thomas On Thursday 27th March a forum was held in South Melbourne for Water Sports Clubs using Albert Park Lake to brief them on the recently commenced Albert Park Master Plan project and to capture their input on key issues to be considered from perspective of Lake Users. The ASC Commodore, APYC Vice Commodore , leaders from Albert Park Rowing clubs and a Sea Scouts committee member met with Parks Victoria managers and the consultants contracted to develop the Master Plan. A range of issues were identified and discussed. These included (no priority order) : * Lake issues : water quality and depth; weed growth and control ; 'concrete blocks' from GP pontoon bridge in "narrows" section of Lake ; fishing activities ; multiusers on Lake eg Sailing, Rowing, kayaking ; effects of t r ees and bui l di ngs near Lake 's ed ge. * Park issues : increasing numbers of visitors ; traffic and parking, particularly with major events ; number of major events and restrictions on Park use ; revenue to fund improvements and maintenance. A ten stage process has been defined to develop the plan across 2014. Four key Park stakeholder groups are being involved in the process : Lake Users, sporting clubs using Park ovals and facilities, residents in surrounding areas, and commercial organisations. A plan will be drafted to set a 20 year vision for the park. The plan is to : • Provide an overall picture for how the park will provide services for the local community and visitors; • Improve the quality and range of activities and experiences for visitors; • Better connect the park with its neighbouring communities; • Encourage further resource sustainability projects to build on the current water recycling project. Three more rounds of meetings for consultations with Park Users are to be programmed across 2014 as the new Master Plan is formulated. Online site for Updates on progress and further opportunities for feedback. The Verna Templeton and Virgo Trophy Races are longstanding annual events which originated in the 1980's, and have generally been sailed over a Saturday lunchtime period in the Autumn months in the Northern basin of Albert Park Lake in front of our clubhouse. The Verna Templeton Junior trophy is sailed by Junior members of the club. The Trophy is named ater one of our Life Members, Verna Templeton, who did much around the club, particularly in the 1970's and 1980's. Verna strongly supported the sailing of her husband Bob and their two children Gordon and Dulcie. She was very encouraging and supportive of Juniors across the Club. The Virgo Ladies Trophy was donated by Mike and Betty Chapman to recognise and encourage sailing by Women and Girls at Albert Sailing Club. Betty and daughters Selina and Fleur were with Mike all keen Mirror sailors at Albert Sailing Club and Mirror Association events and titles in the 1980s. The 2014 editions of these two trophy races were sailed on consecutive Satu ɑ