Much Ado About Messina 7 | Page 8

Interviewer- What is your position with Benedick as we speak?

For Benedick means less to me than an enemy against an enemy. Just looking at him gives me heartburn. For cupid is thy one who struck me with thy poisoned stick, but now it all shall be but a memory, so I suppose your grace can truly say that I have lost it.

Interview Transcript :

Interviewer: Bambi Raphael Ravioli from Much Ado About Messina Magazine.

Interviewee: Beatrice

Interview Setting: Interviewing room 307. Was conducted at 2:45 on a Thursday afternoon.

Affiliation with interviewee: Newspaper interest about the engagement of Hero and Claudio and her past history with Benedick.

(Interview Begins)


Interviewer- How does it feel to have the courageous soldiers home to Messina?

Ah for we are drowning in joy that our soldiers are finally here. They deserve to be honored for thy have been gracious enough to stand for us as people. Yet they are men so they deserve no honor. For a man is just a role, they are not a limb of the body.