Mtn. ReView Summer 2022 | Page 9

Membership Report

Membership Report

By IdaRose Sylvester Membership Committee Chair
Members , we appreciate all of you !
Thank you to all who joined or renewed since our last membership update . Your membership dues go to keeping this organization alive , and thriving . We have ever increasing costs , for things such as event space and supplies , printing marketing materials , Zoom fees , insurance , updating and maintaining our website to be more useful for you and future generations , and printing and mailing costs for this newsletter . We are also working on ways to digitally preserve and make our collections more accessible . We are funded exclusively by membership dues and donations , and are 100 % volunteer run . of your membership status , please reach out to me , IdaRose Sylvester , at idarose @ siliconvalleylink . com . I love hearing from our members and all the great stories you send !
You can use the form below to mail in your renewal or sign up with a check , or you can sign up and pay online at https :// mountainviewhistorical . org / memberships . Reminder , we are now operating on a calendar year . All membership renewal payments were due in January , and from here on out , everyone will be on a January- December schedule .
Welcome to new members : Suzanne Abel , Gary Green , Michael Digman , Lisa Takehana , Drew Harris , Patricia Larenas , Theirry Sornasse , Betsy Collard , Jonathan Davis , and Deborah Spencley .
People on our email list are not automatically official members of our organization . Only paid members will continue to receive a printed newsletter , and get free or discounted event admission , along with the satisfaction of helping us preserve Mountain View history ! We are continually updating our membership system to bring ourselves up to 2022 standards , so if you are unsure
Honored Members : 1 Life Members : 92 Annual Household * Members : 184
* This is our new membership level , covering any number of people in your household , replacing Annual Single and Annual Family


The MVHA welcomes new members ! By becoming a member , you are making a special investment in our mission to preserve and share Mountain View history with the community , conserve priceless archival materials at the History Center , and hold memorable public events throughout the year . You can also join and renew online at www . mountainviewhistorical . org . Membership is tax deductible to the extent permitted by law . The MVHA is a tax-exempt organization under Internal Revenue Code Section 501 ( c )( 3 ), Tax ID 94-6115407 .
New Membership Membership Renewal
Household Annual Membership $ 30 / year
Individual Lifetime Membership $ 300
Name ( s ):
Street Address :
City :
State : Zip Code :
Telephone :
I ’ m interested in volunteer opportunities
Email :
I ’ d like a print-edition subscription of the newsletter .( To save paper and costs , the default subscription is a digital emailed newsletter .)
How many ?
Summer 2022 Ice Cream Social Tickets $ 5 each *
* Ticket only required for ice cream ; event registration is free ( see page 1 for details ). You can also register or purchase ice cream tickets online at http :// mvhistory . eventbrite . com
Please make checks payable to : Mtn . View Historical Association
Mail this form to : Mountain View Historical Association c / o IdaRose Sylvester P . O . Box 252 Mtn . View , CA 94042

Thank you !