MTH 231 help Successful Learning/ MTH 231 help Successful Learning/ | Page 18

What is a confidence level? Show how a confidence level relates to the confidence interval using the example variable. What is a critical value? Show how critical values relate to the confidence interval using the example variable. What is a margin of error? Describe how a margin of error relates to confidence intervals and to your chosen life science. Provide an example related to your example variable. What is a point estimate? Explain how a point estimate found from a confidence interval would be applied in your chosen life science. Provide an example related to your example variable. What can a confidence interval tell researchers in your chosen life science about an estimate of population mean? Provide an example related to your example variable. What can a confidence interval tell researchers in your chosen life science about an estimate of population variance? Provide an example related to your example variable. Include a title slide and conclusion slide, and cite at least four references on a references slide. Present the information about confidence intervals and your chosen life science to the instructor and the class just as you would to firstyear college students who need this information. For Local Campus students, these are oral presentations accompanied by Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations. For Online and Directed Study students, these are Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations with notes.