MTH 231 help Successful Learning/ MTH 231 help Successful Learning/ | Page 17

presented in Appendix B of the text and in Statdisk , selecting one that corresponds with your chosen life science . Choose a particular variable you would like to explore and use Statdisk to determine if its distribution is approximately normal .
Note . Data Set 5 : Passive and Active Smoke in the text does not include normally distributed data and may not be used in this project .
Prepare a 12- to 15-slide Microsoft ® PowerPoint ® presentation that explains confidence intervals in your chosen life science . Imagine that you are responsible for educating first-year college students who are majoring in your chosen life science . Explain to the students how and why confidence intervals relate to their field .
Discuss the following questions :
What is a normal distribution ? Describe your example variable and explain why normally distributed data is important in your chosen life science . Show the distribution of your example variable in a Statdiskgenerated image and demonstrate how to calculate the probability of a range of values within this normal distribution .
What is a standard normal distribution ? How does it differ from other normal distributions ? Convert the normally distributed example variable within your chosen life science to a standard normal distribution . Show this example in a Statdisk-generated image and demonstrate how to calculate the probability of a range of values within this standard normal distribution .
What is a confidence interval ? Outline how confidence intervals may be used in your chosen life science . Demonstrate how to define confidence intervals within the normal distribution example variable .